One Stage Surgical Technique: Implant Placement

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One Stage Surgery Implant Insertion Technique

Extraction site, Envelope, Scalloped and Punch. Drill 2.0mm pilot hole with external irrigation to a depth 2.0mm–3.0mm deeper than chosen implant when practical.
Place an abutment with a 2.0mm post into pilot hole and confirm appropriateness with a vacu-press template. Widen socket with successively wider reamer burs without irrigation at a maximum of 50 RPM.
Harvest bone debris from reamer flutes and socket. Countersink with larger reamers If the intended temporary abutment is wider than the osteotomy to allow for full seating.
The implant’s sterile blister pack is dropped onto a sterile tray prior to removing its Tyvek® backing before the implant’s inner packaging is cut with a pair of scissors. Remove black healing plug.
Replace black healing plug with appropriate
temporary abutment.
Insert implant with abutment into socket.
Trim tissue if necessary. Wait for a minimum of 10–12 weeks for osseointegration before removing temporary abutment.  

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